Friday, January 11, 2008

So soi!!!

Today so soi! Just now my dad park the car over at my grandfather's house and we walked over with mum and bro (he's a lil sick) to The Spring. After just looking around and shopping (mum was the only person who bought anything) we were all about to cross the road but as you know there are lots of cars cause of spring so waited for a bit and started to cross and OUTTA NO WHERE a STUPID MALAY sped up and nearly hit my mum and bro! Thank God they didnt get hurt and mum was cursing that guy. not only that! the MOST IDIOTIC PERSON i've ever met just drove his car without looking at us! (meaning he nearly langgar us when we were at 2 and a half mile) Most probably on his STUPID PHONE! I JUST WISH PEOPLE LIKE HIM WILL JUST DIE!! So our world is a much safer place to live in!

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